A Swiss Army knife of tools for silicon and software

A Swiss Army knife of tools for silicon and software

The Eclipse IDE that is the basis of Freescale’s CodeWarrior for MCUs v10 offers a standard UI and work environment for many of its development tools.

Recently, P&E Microcomputer Systems began shipping the USB Multilink Universal run control unit, which connects to many different Freescale MCUs.

Tom Thompson, Freescale system and support expert, offers a first-hand perspective on how this combination of CodeWarrior and USB Multilink Universal becomes a “Swiss Army knife for embedded software development.” Now one workstation can connect to an array of Freescale MCUs, which protects your investment in development hardware and tools. It also allows you to leverage your existing software and tool experience when you begin a product design with a new MCU or to update an existing design with a different, higher-performance MCU.
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