Eclipse IDE targets industrial apps with long-term support
Bernard Cole – March 1, 2013
The Eclipse Foundation has launched a new initiative to create the support for its open-source Eclipse integrated development environment in industries that require releases maintained over a very long time.
It is aimed at industries such as aerospace, automotive, and enterprise software and has as its aim support for their software stacks for 10 to 50 years.
The new Eclipse Long Term Support (LTS) initiative will allow these companies to release bug fixes and maintenance releases of previous versions of Eclipse technologies.
The Eclipse Long Term Support initiative is led by CA Technologies, IBM, EclipseSource and SAP AG.
The Eclipse Foundation, through Eclipse LTS, will provide the infrastructure to fix, build, sign and deploy updates for older versions of Eclipse.
LTS will also enable an ecosystem of service providers, technology providers and large enterprise consumers of Eclipse to share fixes and releases.
The initiative is open to any organization with an interest in long-term support and maintenance for Eclipse technology.
"This is an important next step for the Eclipse Foundation to enable the adoption of Eclipse and open-source software in important industries," said Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation. "LTS is going to solve some very important challenges for organizations that rely upon open source for critical applications."
LTS has been established as an Eclipse Industry Working Group and will operate under the governance of the Eclipse Foundation.