加州大學打造環保釀酒廠 配備大型無線通訊網路






美國加州大學戴維斯分校(University of California at Davis)的校園內,最近新完工了一座結合釀酒廠啤酒廠以及食品加工廠的園區,號稱將是全球最具綠色環保概念,而且是世界同類型的園區中,第一個配備無線通訊設施的。


新園區完全是由私人捐資興建,從設計到建築過程沒有來自公家單位的補助。在該座建築只有一層樓高的園區中,南翼是August A. Busch III啤酒與食品加工實驗室,北翼則是全新的教學與研究應用釀酒廠。

此外園區內擁有號稱是全球首套、造價100萬美元的無線釀酒設備,生產線上有152個無線葡萄酒發酵桶;該套設備是由半導體廠商Cypress的創辦人、總裁暨執行長T.J. Rodgers所率領的工程師團隊所設計打造,每個容量20升(liter)、電拋光的不?袗?發酵桶,都配備對釀酒成果至關重要的自動溫度控制系統與循環(pump-over)程序。

該新型釀酒桶還有一種特別設計的感測器,會每隔15分鐘擷取一次白酒與紅酒釀造過程中的糖分濃度(sugar-concentration)資料,透過無線網路傳送出去,精確度為0.25 Brix;當該釀酒廠完工之後,將會是全球所有同類場所中,配備最大規模無線網路的一個。釀酒廠旁邊就一片佔地12英畝(acre)的教學與研究用葡萄園。

(參考原文: UC Davis unveils green, wireless winery,by Mark LaPedus)

UC Davis unveils green, wireless winery

Mark LaPedus

10/6/2010 2:31 PM EDT

SAN JOSE, Calif. – A newly completed winery, brewery and food-processing complex at the University of California at Davis claims to be the world’s greenest–and first wireless–facility of its kind.
The $20 million, 34,000-square-foot teaching-and-research complex is expected to be the first winery, brewery or food-processing facility to earn LEED Platinum certification. The building includes an onsite solar power generation and a large-capacity system for capturing rainwater and conserving processing water. The stored rainwater will be used for landscaping and toilets, per LEED specifications.
The new complex was funded entirely by private donations; no state or federal funds were used in its design or construction. The south wing of the new one-story complex is home to the August A. Busch III Brewing and Food Science Laboratory. The complex’s north wing houses a new teaching-and-research winery.
The complex is said to use the world’s first wireless wine-fermentation system, a $1 million assembly of 152 wireless grape fermentors. This was designed, fabricated and donated by a team of research engineers led by T.J. Rodgers, founder, president and chief executive officer of San Jose-based Cypress Semiconductor.
Each of the 200-liter, electro-polished, stainless steel fermentors is individually equipped for automated control of temperature and the “pump-over” process, controlling two of the most important factors in determining final wine characteristics and quality.
Additionally, newly designed fermentor sensors frequently and precisely extract and transmit sugar-concentration data from white and red fermentations across a wireless network. Data from the sensors can be generated every 15 minutes with a precision of 0.25 Brix, a measure of sugar content.
When completed, the winery is expected to contain one of the largest wireless networks in any fermentation facility in the world.
The complex is adjacent to a new 12-acre teaching-and-research vineyard and is located within the campus’s Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science.
The institute, which opened in 2008, comprises three academic buildings that house the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Department of Viticulture and Enology. (Design and construction of those academic buildings, which total 129,600 square feet, cost $73 million, paid for by a combination of state and private funds. The campus did not apply for LEED certification on the three academic buildings.)




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